Planted on:
Apr 28, 2024 5:04 PM
Last tended:
May 5, 2024 11:46 PM
Mental & Emotional Well-being
Garden Sprouts
Moral injury is not an individual issue, it is an organizational issue. Rather than an individual’s job to protect themselves, it is leaderships’ responsibility to support and provide access. One of the causes of moral injury is the feeling that people around us, especially leaders, are callous with others, especially when we are doing work to support, protect, and help people.Moral injury occurs when people face situations that run counter to their conscience, the way they understand the world, or violate their values.Moral injury is wondering how the hell everyone is acting totally normal, like nothing is wrong, when you’ve seen/experienced/done such terrible things.Moral injury is especially harmful because it calls into question who you are as a person. It creates a disconnect between how you live your life and the reality of what is happening around you. Moral injury can occur when you typically view the world as basically fair and good, but you then witness or do something that destroys your understanding of the world.Unlike PTSD which typically occurs following a direct personal threat, moral injury occurs as a build-up of despair related to present wrong-doing, inhumanity, and futility.
Moral injury is not an individual issue, it is an organizational issue. Rather than an individual’s job to protect themselves, it is leaderships’ responsibility to support and provide access.
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