Sub-CategoryNervous SystemPlanted on:Apr 28, 2024 5:04 PMLast tended:May 5, 2024 11:46 PMGarden SproutsThe ANS plays a huge role in shaping thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and beliefs. a neurophysiological approach is all about considering autonomic state as the basis for our behavior and felt experience, including whether we feel safe or in danger within our experiences/interactions.The ANS can help us better understand others, offer tools for self-regulation, and improve both communication and decision-making.I am not interested in the evolution and development of neuroanatomical structures but in what it all means for how we experience lifeTo consider ANS within administrative contexts, I pull from multiple disciplines, each with their histories, unique perspective, research paradigms, methods, and theoretical contexts. PVT offers a way of understanding how autonomic function relates to behavior. In other words, it helps us understand how what happens in our bodies relates to our behaviors.PVT is a lens or a perspective that can help to frame our inquiry. It is not however a static theory.PVT can be considered a theory of adaptive reactions to challenge. Or maybe to cues of safety and danger.PVT gives us a context to understand movement “toward or away from people, places, and things”Examining interaction through the lens of felt experience that occurs in the autonomic nervous system can offer the opportunity to understand, increase regulation, and increase communication as well as decision-making.CategoryNervous system