Planted on:Apr 28, 2024 5:04 PMLast tended:May 5, 2024 11:46 PMCategoryNervous systemGarden SproutsOur bodies have a rapid-response survival systemIn every interactions, individuals are scanning cues from the other persons, for instance their tone of voice, eye contact, body posture, and facial expression. As the interaction proceeds, the individual will react to these signals by activating (sympathetic), shutting down (dorsal), or engaging/connecting (ventral vagal).If one party in the interaction is in an activated survival responses, the other party will react, often with a with their own survival response and shift in their autonomic state.a neurophysiological approach is all about considering autonomic state as the basis for our behavior and felt experience, including whether we feel safe or in danger within our experiences/interactions.PVT offers a way of understanding how autonomic function relates to behavior. In other words, it helps us understand how what happens in our bodies relates to our behaviors.Typical models focus on stimulus-response (S-R). Beyond our focus in public administration, this is prevalent in psychology, physiology, as well as other branches of inquiry. Alternatively, a S-O-R focus considers an organism, in this case the ANS, to act as an intervening variable.The ANS acts as an intervening variable that influences our behavior and our physiological reactions to perceived threats in our bodies (pain or illness), as well as in our environment (cues of safety danger). Most of our literature views interactions within an S-R paradigm where the stimulus is one party and the response is the other partyWe create stories about our lives and exeriences based on our physiological states. Why ANS is an important consideration