Sub-CategoryHow to make stuffPlanted on:Apr 28, 2024 5:04 PMLast tended:May 5, 2024 11:46 PMGarden SproutsMaggie Smith spread it all out and coded it by color. Then she could make sure that each thread was dispersed throughout the project.Tom Comitta takes a database of first sentences (pulled from 268 New Yorker short stories) and looks for patterns in them. Then, within the patterns, he arranged small stories using only those sentences.Using the process of “literary collage”, Comitta was able to X. He was limited and directed by what the source material provided. His process, both artistic and scientific, doubles as both narrative art and data analysis. I love this idea of using existing feature films, drawing over them to create new animations, and then collaging them into a short animation. (Would be great to find access to Kota’s City of Nature)In The Nature Book, Tom Comitta searched books for descriptions of nature until he had enough to claim that he was finding patterns. Then he print them out, cupt them up and started to look for similiarities between the pieces. As things began to fit together, he’d tape them into paragraphs and then into chapters. He then retyped the whole thing as a complete manuscript.Supercut texts are made by first collecting whatever is at focus (examples from Tom Comitta include first sentences of stories, last sentences of sci-fi novels, or nature descriptions in novels). This becomes a dataset and then each datapoint is arranged with others by pattern to create new text.Michelle Huang trained an ai chatbot on her childhood journal entries - so that she could engage in real-time dialogue with her "inner child"Michelle Huang was able to use AI to simulate a conversation with her younger self, using her journals as source material.David Bowie used the cutup method to write lyrics. He would write a descriptive paragraph, that in some way outlined the ingredients of the story he wanted to tell, then cut them into sections of 4-5 words, and then rearrange them into something new. This allows for new combinations. The cutup method takes a complete text, cuts it up, and rearranges to create a new text.Start with an idea and then develop seeds. They will take awhile and some won’t bloom, but the goal is just to tend to the seeds. CategoryMaking & Art