Interactions with government representatives often present cues of danger because of the power imbalance. Additionally, people are often in the interaction because of a need, which create even more imbalance (I could cite myself here)
This is what happens- danger→autonomic response→survival mode→response/behaviorwhen we are with people we know and others who are warm, with kind faces and voices, the neuroception will translate to a sense of safety and likely a positive social interaction. Our autonomic states shift in response to cues of safety or danger.When individuals feel unsafe, they shift toward more protective mode, relying on adaptive survival responses.To create safe connections, our bodies consult facial expressions, eye gaze, tone of voice, movements of the head, and social gestures.We are wired for connection. Trust primes the brain; fears prevents the brain from learning.We feel safe based on cues that we get from our environment. Safety is not the removal of threat; it comes from the cues we receive.