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What does it mean to dream?
I think often of the fact that we have a lot of good words for the absence of things but very few good ways to describe the presence of things.
For instance. Exhausted burned out wrecked anxious
But on the flip side? Lush bountiful abundance
We have words for right in the middle too, like calm content. These are describing full, not empty but not overflowing either.
I love the idea of something lush growing on a scorched earth
I thought about this this morning because I saw Jessica DoRe mention something about dreaming about a world that looks different tan orb current reality. Which struck me ~ if we think about dreaming as a default way of being or doing,rather just a passing moment - as very similar to Our lack of words for the presence of things.
Its easy, even natural, to experience the lack of things right now. I read the news about _______ , and I feel anxiety, the absence of calm.
I think about ( o n being) describing how there is no public theology. Where do me go when it hurts? When there is an absence of all the things we want to have - care, comfort, safety validation clarity direction.
For most of us, what's available is addiction. Maybe to drugs, alcohol, Or food, but even more likely, to endless scrolling on our phones,
TourmalineTourmaline- The world that I dream of is filled with ease
_ offers us dreamstorming
Book on freedom dreams