Planted on:
Apr 28, 2024 5:04 PM
Last tended:
May 5, 2024 11:46 PM
Garden Sprouts
To practice kindness as a pedagogy includes two things: believe students and believe IN them. Believing in people means counting them as collaborators. With students, this means collaborating with them on syllabi, assignments, due dates, etc. How we design our class policies and activities, how we work to make the experience inclusive, accessible, and engaging demonstrates how we can improve our interactions, organizations, and the world more broadly.Higher education is increasingly moving toward a transactional model where students are customers and professors exist to please their customers. This extends to thinking about administrators as managers (rather than leaders), who are charged with saving money rather than supporting people. This model is devoid of humanity; the experiences of individuals cannot matter in this model.We need to explore the structures of interactions in order to understand what features may make safety inaccessible.